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Dr. Christian Kohlschütter

“Write your shit down.” — H.K.

This is my personal blog. I write about software and related areas of my personal interest. It’s great that you’re here. I hope you’ll find some of it interesting, too.

I have worked as a software engineer for over 25 years, and I’m not done yet.

I graduated with a Diplom-Informatiker FH degree from Hof University (Germany) and a Dr. rer. nat. degree (PhD equivalent) from Leibniz University Hannover (Germany). My dissertation’s focus is on efficiently computing PageRank and using that for topic detection, as well as detecting the main content and removing boilerplate from websites.

The statistical text law I formulated is utilized by my open-source library boilerpipe, which is frequently used for cleansing website content in the context of Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, and Web Science.

I worked at L3S Research Center, DATEV, Evernote, and Apple. After seven exciting years in Cupertino, I quit my Principal Software Engineer position at Apple, having delivered (among other things) an on-device topic detection system, which made its debut in iOS 11. I’m the reason your iPhone runs probably the world’s smallest versions of Apache Lucene and Wikipedia.

I’ve now focused again on writing software on my own. Some of it you will find on GitHub.
Check the buttons at the bottom left of the sidebar; one of them will lead you there.

One Open Source project I’ve been focusing on recently is junixsocket, a Java library to connect to Unix domain sockets, TIPC sockets, and other protocols with the Java API. It’s being used by Oracle to connect to their MySQL database, and by Google Cloud Services and others to connect to PostgreSQL, for example. Some other folks use it for Minecraft, Discord, Jetty, and the likes.

Apart from software, I dabble in playing acoustic jaw harp techno, and in fixing random things that are broken, before or after.